Running out of craft ideas for your busy kids?
Try this fun under the sea themed jellyfish craft my kids love making together.
Here are some fun links you can use to make this craft a science lesson as well.
Here's a really short video you can use to make it even more fun!
Art paper
White paper
Crayon/ Markers
Cut even slits to the longest part of the art paper
Staple or glue the edges of the paper together.
Draw circles on all slits.
Draw eyes on white paper. Cut and glue to the art paper. (you can draw the mouth on the white paper and glue it to the art paper as well or just draw the mouth directly from the art paper.)
Easy Peasy!!! Happy Homeschooling!!!
Check out these fun under the sea themed materials you could get now with prime!!!
National Geographic Little Kids Magazine
only $15.00 / year. (6 issues/12 months)
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Beautiful and translucent, jellyfish can be deadly but some are perfectly harmless. Learn about the physical traits of jellyfish, how they move, where they are found, and their hunting and sleeping habits. Get this book now with prime for only $6.79!!!!
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