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Pokemon Party on a Budget

Writer's picture: LifeandHomeschoolingLifeandHomeschooling

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Are you looking for Pokemon party ideas for cheap? These ideas are so fun and so CHEAP! My son turned 10 and he wanted to have a Pokemon themed party. This is what we came up with!

1. Pikachu cake. A Pokemon party is not complete without a Pikachu cake! This cake was easy to make. I used a Pikachu cake mold ! I'm not a baker so I had to use help with the shape. The mold is super cute and it comes with super easy instructions. You do have to follow the instructions to make it right. I bought 2 boxes of yellow cake just in case I make a mistake and proud to say, I only had to use one. lol!

2. Pokemon Game Ideas. I came up with 2 easy games that the kids loved.

First game was, "CATCH A POKEMON GAME!"

This game was so fun and was so easy to do! Guess what, It's FREE! I didn't buy anything for this game.

Catch A Pokemon Game

- You will need to print and cut out your kid's favorite Pokemon.

- Tape the cut out pictures into water bottles.

- My husband made the rings out of cardboard and duck tape.

- That's it. FREE and so FUN!

The game itself was hard enough to be challenging and fun for bigger kids. The smaller kids had to catch their's closer and the bigger kids had to catch theirs farther.

Second game! This game was COST FREE as well. We already had 4 Pokemon stuffed toys to use. If you don't have any, you could always ask to borrow from friends or if you have a bigger budget these Pokemon stuffed toys would be great for the game and as a gift for the birthday kid as well! If you really don't want to buy the stuffed toys you could just use whatever stuffed toys you have and pretend that they are Pokemons:)

Pokemon Battle Game

Pokemon Battle Game: Give each kid a Pokemon. They could take turns if you only have a few stuffed toys. The kids can choose who they want to battle with or you could choose for them to make sure everybody get's chosen. The kids battling will try to knock out each other's Pokemon by rolling the ball. The first person to knock out a Pokemon wins! This game was so fun and it did make the Pokemon battle come to life. I had the other kids watching help us catch the balls from behind to make it easier.

For a fun activity we made our own Pikachu's through homemade play dough! This was a HIT!!!! The kids LOVED this activity!

The best way to do this is to make your own homemade play dough. It's much cheaper and you probably already have all the ingredients on hand in your pantry. You would need to get a yellow, black and red food coloring. Make a lot of the yellow dough as this would make most of Pikachu. You will only need a little bit of the black and red.

Here's an easy recipe you could use.

Have a blast getting ready for your Pokemon party!!!! Click an image below to purchase from Amazon.

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